Friday, April 3, 2009

WOOT! Down 3.5 this week. Since I started exercising and eating better Feb. 16th I've lost 11.5 lbs!! I'm so excited. I'm hoping to lose another 8.5 by May 6th when we go see Wicked so I can buy a new outfit to wear. :D
On the C25K front, the first day went really well even though I was having ipod issues. The 2nd and 3rd day haven't actually happened yet. :( Tuesday we got outta class early so I didn't go to the gym and yesterday class was canceled because of the weather so I didn't go to the gym. I'm gonna go tomorrow and do day 2 before an Aqua aerobics class. I'll probably just jump right into week 2 on Monday because I've been doing this walking for exercise thing for so long that the first day was pretty easy.
I'm so excited because I've decided to set a date and run a 5k on June 13th. It's called the Run for the Pies. Lol, figures that'd be the one I'd run in for the first time.

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