Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I’ve been struggling the last couple of weeks with my food on weekends and how I deal with myself outside of my structured workweek.
I’m honestly on the go from 7 am until 10:30pm 3 days a week and the other two are spent doing homework and studying after work or trying to decompress from the hectic schedule I’ve put myself in.
I started going to the gym in Feb. one because of my gallbladder issue but also because I’m unhappy at my job. Actually unhappy is a very lenient, kind word. But we’re in the middle of a recession so I should be happy just to have a job. To make myself feel better I decided to get away from the office and go to the gym for an hour, burn off some of my anxiety and irritation and get from behind a desk and computer screen.
I started feeling better and started losing weight. Then school started at the beginning of March and I saw my weight loss go from full steam ahead to dropping to almost nothing and sometimes gaining.
When I started on Feb 17th after 3 weeks I lost 9 lbs. I started school and even though I was keeping up the same gym and eating schedule, even started trying to start the C25K, I wasn’t losing any weight or as of last week gained a few pounds back.
I love the C25K and I want to keep training for it, but I think I need to put it on hold for a while. I need to focus more on school and getting rest while still eating correctly and going to the gym during my lunch hour so I can do better in school and be rested so I’m not going crazy on the weekends like I’ve been doing.
Hopefully this will help get me back on track to losing weight like I was before.
I’m not going anywhere and I’m most def NOT quitting. I just think it’s time for me to pull one thing of a thousand off the table so I can pay more attention to the core issues that mean the most.

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